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Planter manufacturers talk about common precautions for using seedling substrates in winter
- 2020-06-29-

The emergence of seedling plugs is widely used in today's agriculture. So, do you know how to use it? What are the common problems when using? Planter manufacturers talk about common precautions for using seedling substrates in winter. Although it is not winter, the editor tells everyone about this precautions in advance to prevent problems when it is actually used in winter.

1. Improve lighting management

The common countermeasure is: continuous rain, the insulation material should be opened in time around noon to improve the compressive strength of the light. Insulation materials should be uncovered early and late, usually only when the sun rises. It can be gradually covered before the sun goes down. Bulbs are used to illuminate the nursery greenhouses to make up for the lack of light.

2. Do a good job in temperature management

Winter vegetable seedlings are more common in greenhouses and other greenhouses. In terms of temperature management, heat preservation and cold protection should be strengthened, and straw mats, two layers of plastic film and other heat preservation materials should be added at night. On a sunny day, sunlight can increase the temperature in the shed, but if the sunlight is too strong to prevent the seedlings from growing excessively, the film should be removed to allow the seedlings to ventilate and cool down.

3. Do a good job of fertilizer and water management

Winter nursery substrates usually have high temperature in the early stage and low temperature in the later stage. The soil layer should be kept moist in the early stage of nursery. As the average temperature is decreasing day by day, when the low temperature comes, it is necessary to control the watering to ensure that the topsoil at the seedling stage is not white and do not water.

4. Master the basic norms of strong seedlings

In the winter vegetable seedling substrate nursery, although different types of vegetables have different requirements for strong seedlings, the overall specifications of strong seedlings are: seedling age, moderate leaf age, thick base stem, relatively developed rhizome, thick and strong leaves, and no pests.

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