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The plug seeder should be placed in a ventilated and dry place daily
- 2020-08-28-

The plug seeder can help people to better plant seeds and greatly improve people's work efficiency. In order for her to work better, how should she maintain her every day? The following editor will introduce the daily maintenance of the seedling tray planter:

Place the sealer in a ventilated and dry place, usually at a room temperature of about 25 degrees. Every two days of operation, the moving parts should be filled with 6# oil, mainly in gears, bearings and gearboxes. Regularly remove dust and clean the whole machine. When not in use, unplug the power plug and cover it with a drape. If the running time is too long, the cooling fan should be turned on before shutting down, and then shut down after the temperature drops. Because it does not cool down, it will stop, and the high temperature belt is easily damaged. The high temperature belt should be regularly dusted to ensure the sealing quality. Severely worn parts should be replaced in time to extend the life of the whole machine.

The maintenance method of the planter is what we need to master. So in the process of using the planter, we need to understand. Through the reinterpretation of brand positioning, targeted brand communication models and differentiated product strategies, the plug seedling industry ushered in a golden period of brand remodeling.