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Pay attention to the removal and storage of seedling trays during use
- 2020-08-28-

Seedling trayIt has the advantages of easy transplantation, high survival rate, improved seedling quality, suitable for mechanized transplanting production, etc., and has been widely used in the seedling market. However, there are two key points in using the stopper, one is the removal of the stopper, and the other is the storage of the stopper. Today, the editor will share relevant content with you

After transplanting, the root system will not be damaged. The method is: gently press the hole to loosen the matrix and then pull it out, so as not to damage the root system. In addition, when the seedling tray arrives, the substrate is too dry, so it must be watered first and then removed from the tray. Watering can play a lubricating effect and is conducive to pulling out seedlings.