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What are the maintenance points of the planter?
- 2020-08-15-

A mechanical equipment for planting crop seeds. For a certain crop or a certain kind of planter, it is usually used in the name of certain crops, such as a grain drill, corn planter, cotton planter, forage planter, etc., then regular maintenance is required when it is used. Do you know any maintenance methods?

(1) Before operation, the planter should inject oil into each oil injection point in time to ensure that the operation part is fully moistened. The missing or damaged parts should be filled, replaced and repaired in time. Be careful not to oil the transmission gears and transmission chains to prevent soil filling and lifting damage.

(2) The working length of each metering wheel is the same, and the displacement is the same. There can be no drag and idling.

(3) The disc corkscrew is easy to rotate and does not shake or rub against the corkscrew.

(4) Before and after each shift and during the working process, the soil in all parts should be cleaned up, and attention should be paid to removing the soil and oil on the transmission device.

(5) After the end of each shift, the fertilizer in the fertilizer tank should be cleaned to prevent the fertilizer from eroding the fertilizer tank and the position of fertilizer discharge. Check whether the seeding shaft and fertilizing shaft can rotate easily.

(6) After each shift, the planter should be placed in a dry and covered shed. When parked in the open, the fertilizer applicator should be covered tightly. When parking, lower the opener and lower the bracket to support the body to reduce the excess load on the planter frame.